Schematron rules for Nordic EPUB 2020-1

Rule Global description Detailed description
nav_ncx_1_a navdoc toc items must exist in the ncx [nordic_nav_ncx_1_a] toc items in the navigation document must also occur in the NCX.
nav_ncx_2_a navdoc page-list items must exist in the ncx [nordic_nav_ncx_2_a] page references in the navigation document must also occur as pageTarget items in the NCX.
nav_ncx_3_a ncx toc items must exist in the navdoc, and must follow the same structure and order as in the navdoc [nordic_nav_ncx_3_a] toc items in the NCX must also occur in the navigation document.
[nordic_nav_ncx_3_b] The navPoint in the NCX ( ) has ancestors , while the corresponding item in the navigation document ( ) has ancestors . The item in the navigation document and the navPoint in the NCX must have the same number of ancestors. Maybe the item are placed on the wrong nesting level or under the wrong headline.
[nordic_nav_ncx_3_c] The navPoint in the NCX ( ) has preceding siblings , while the corresponding item in the navigation document ( ) has preceding siblings . The item in the navigation document and the navPoint in the NCX must have the same number of preceding siblings. Maybe the items are not placed in the correct order or maybe some of the preceding items are missing.
nav_ncx_4_a ncx page-list items must exist in the navdoc, and must follow the same order as in the navdoc [nordic_nav_ncx_4_a] pageTarget items in the NCX must also occur as page references in the navigation document.
[nordic_nav_ncx_4_b] The pageTarget in the NCX ( ) has preceding siblings , while the page reference in the navigation document ( ) has preceding siblings . The page reference in the navigation document and the pageTarget in the NCX must have the same number of preceding siblings. Maybe the items are not placed in the correct order or maybe some of the preceding items are missing.
nav_ncx_5 navdoc references must all be unique [nordic_nav_ncx_5] Two references in the toc of the navigation document can not point to the same location in the content. [nordic_nav_ncx_5] Two references among the landmarks in navigation document can not point to the same location in the content.
nav_ncx_6 ncx references must all be unique [nordic_nav_ncx_6] Two references in the NCX (navPoint or pageTarget) can not point to the same location in the content.
nav_ncx_7 toc headline must be the same in the ncx and navdoc [nordic_nav_ncx_7] The navLabel in the NCX navMap must correspond to the h[x] in the toc in the navigation document. The NCX navLabel has the value "", while the page-list h[x] in the navigation document .
nav_ncx_8 page-list headline must be the same in the ncx and navdoc [nordic_nav_ncx_8] The navLabel in the NCX pageList must correspond to the h[x] in the page-list in the navigation document. The NCX navLabel has the value "", while the page-list h[x] in the navigation document .