Schematron rules for Nordic EPUB 2020-1

Rule Global description Detailed description
1 [nordic_opf_and_html_1] id attributes must be unique; in also exists in
13 All books must have frontmatter and bodymatter [nordic_opf_and_html_13a] There must be at least one frontmatter or cover document
[nordic_opf_and_html_13a] There must be at least one bodymatter document
15 [nordic_opf_and_html_15] Cover must not be preceded by any other itemrefs in the OPF spine: (in
[nordic_opf_and_html_15] Frontmatter must be placed before all bodymatter in the spine: (in
[nordic_opf_and_html_15] Frontmatter must be placed before all backmatter in the spine: (in
[nordic_opf_and_html_15] Bodymatter must be placed before all backmatter in the spine: (in
23 Increasing pagebreak values for page-normal [nordic_opf_and_html_23] pagebreak values must increase for pagebreaks with class="page-normal" (see pagebreak with aria-label="" in and compare with pagebreak with aria-label=" in )
24 Values of pagebreak must be unique for page-front [nordic_opf_and_html_24] pagebreak values must be unique for pagebreaks with class="page-front" (see pagebreak with aria-label="" in )
26a Each note must have a noteref [nordic_opf_and_html_26a] The must have at least one <a epub:type="noteref" ...> referencing it: (in )
26b Each noteref must reference a note [nordic_opf_and_html_26b] The note reference with the href "" attribute must resolve to a note, endnote or footnote in the publication: (in )
27a Each note must have a noteref [nordic_opf_and_html_27a] The annotation must have at least one <a epub:type="annoref" ...> referencing it: (in )
27b Each noteref must reference a note [nordic_opf_and_html_26b] The annotation with the href "" must resolve to a annotation in the publication: (in )
28 The HTML title element must be the same as the OPF publication dc:title [nordic_opf_and_html_28] The HTML title element in must contain the same text as the dc:title element in the OPF metadata. The HTML title element contains "" while the dc:title element in the OPF contains "".
29 The HTML meta element with dc:identifier must have as content the same as the OPF publication dc:identifier [nordic_opf_and_html_29] The HTML meta element in with dc:identifier must have as content the same as the OPF publication dc:identifier. The OPF dc:identifier is "" while the HTML dc:identifier is "".